Manage your webdepot, credit cards or any other activities related to the bank by purchasing an account on The process is easy, quick and reliable. Simply follow the steps of connection that will be presented below and you’ll be able to get our card services (card/svc).
How to create an account on
To access an account on, should first connect to the following link: Once you have done click on this link, you will see your login page and information about the creation of an account, including:
- Registrer
- Sign on to Citi online
Indeed, if you already have an account, there is no problem. However, for new members, here is the path to follow to help you create your account. First, just make a click on “Register” and a page will open which will ask for information relating to the account number of your credit card.
For more information you have the “need help” that guides you through this process and provide you with more information.
In addition, with the link you can also register a Citi account and benefit from the many guarantees in terms of security.
Login to
Once registered you can now and securely accessing your account through the following fields:
- User ID
- Password
The User ID is the user name that you mentioned in your registration, it is essential to be identical and conformity with that you have chosen during the registration process. As for the password, it is the same because it is the important element to access your account.
The step of creating your online bank account has been completed, you can now access the different services offered by Citi on its interface.
Indeed, among other you can subscribe bank accounts, credit cards companies such as Sears, Sunoco, Shell online and enjoy the benefits that are attached to or lending and other products offered Citibank.
Subscribe an account with Citi gives you endless possibilities, even for your children through our Children Place product, you could make profitable investments and secured to ensure a future for your family.
All depend on your choice. Simply select a domain like cards/svc/ and it will show as a complete list of dashboard the different services.
Then, make a click on the product you want and it will send you to a page where you can choose between several proposals. If it seems a bit misunderstood, you can always get more information by clicking on the “learn more”.
After obtaining more information satisfactory to you, it will return to you more to make your choice by clicking the green button marked “Apply now”. Once done, you will be asked a number of confidential information to be spread out in various stages. Follow this process with the rigor it takes and you have purchased your product without much difficulty.
What to do if you forget your username or password?
If at any time you have forgotten your password or even your username, so no worries to be. Indeed, to solve this problem, it is up to you to click on the “forgot password or username” that be found just below your password field.
You will be directed to a login page that will ask for your “credit card” or just your “email” depending on the type of subscription you have previously selected. Then you just click continue.
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