My Ed Account is the official website of the federal student loan servicing. We will see how to create and manage an account. You can also make your payments online.

New on ?

If you use the federal website for the first time, it is so easy to create an account.
Firstly, go on

Secondly, you must click on the following button:

New account? Register

Then, you have to fill in the following information:

Create an account

When you have finish this step, click on continue:

Continue button

Congratulation, you made the most difficult. Now you will complete 4 other steps in order to achieve your account creation on My Ed Account, and you will manage your student loans and your payments online.

Step 1 : Account info

You just have to continue the different stages in order to finish your subscription. You must complete more information about yourself. Then, you have to choose a security question and a security image. This is necessary if you loose your password. To finish you just have to verify all your information reported.


I forgot my username or my password on My Ed Account

I you forgot one of these information, you can login with your personal information.

If you loose your username, click on the button “Forgot Username” which is under the word “Username”.

Forgot Username

If you loose your password, click on the button “Forgot Password” which is under the word “Password” when you try to login.

Forgot Password

To identify yourself, you have to complete the following information:

  1. Social Security Number
  2. Birthday
  3. Email

Next, click on “Request account info” or “Request password”.

The security question is asked to you. And if all information matches, your username on myedaccount is removed, or your password will be reset. You just have to choose a new password, and an email will be send to you. You can login again to make loan and payments on the website.