How to connect without any trouble to one’s account Craigslist Atlanta and all the advantages that it offers. All the procedure to reach one’s account and find the good plans, presented here in some lines.
Various stages to connect to one’s Craigslist Atlanta.
Craiglist is a site of announcement on which are made many announcements by diverse types of announcers. You will find there announcements of cars, boats, electronics devices or diverse tools to be sold. You will find there also on sale, furniture, admission tickets for demonstrations and even motorcycles. If you like pets, you can also see announcements concerning them in the column ” community “.
To take advantage of all the options offered by Craigslist you have to connect in your account and manage it suitably. To do it, you have to open at first in your browser the homepage of the site of announcements from the following link: http://
You will have to the left of the page a side bar in which you will see the options ” Craigslist “ followed by “posts to classifieds” and ” my account “. Choose the option “my account” by clicking above.
A new page will display automatically in your browser. You will see on this page a warning message then below you will have an entitled form ” Log in to your Craiglist account “. This form contains the fields of identification, which you have to fill to have access to your account. They are:
- Email/Handle
- Password
You will enter in the field “Email Email/Handle” your e-mail address which will serve you of identifier and in the field ” Password ” you will enter the password. Once these two fields filled you will not have more than validate the supplied information. To do it, you will just have to click the button “Log In” situated immediately after the field “Password” and connect.
What’s to be done in case of forgetting of its identifiers?
He can arrive that you forget your password. Fortunately Craigslist planned everything. Indeed, in case of forgetting of your password, click the option ” forgot password?” situated just next to the button of validation.
You will be redirected then automatically towards a new page on which you will have a only unique entitled field “Email”.
You will have to fill this field by inserting your e-mail address there then you will click the button “Reset Password” placed just at the bottom of the field. Your password will immediately be sent to your e-mail address, which you can consult to know it. Then, you can try again to connect you to your Craiglist account by following the various stages such as presented a little higher. Best plans, it is on Craigslist.
I cannot log on to craiigslist.It’s like I have been bloce .Can you help me.