Pay your bill or change your mobile phone online with my cricket account. You can also set up a bridge pay or add some options. Logging in your account with your phone number.

How to login My Cricket account?

Firstly, you have to go on
Then, enter your phone number or your broadband modem here:

Log in

If you don’t know what is the broadband modem, click here:

Or the number of your broadband modem

The following message will appear:

The following message will appear

When you did it, please enter your password in this case:

My account password

If you forgot your account password, you can click on the following orange link:

Forgot your password

You are now on the password-reset page. If you remember your password, please ignore this step. If not, you can enter your phone number in this case:

Cricket phone number

You can choose if you prefer take it by mobile phone or by mail. This operation generally last less than 15 minutes.
You can now click on “submit”.

When you have fill in your number phone and your password on your cricket account, you can access into your account with the button “go to my account”:

Go to my account

If you made a mistake, you will we se the following message on the page (under log in):

Please enter your phone number

Congratulation, you are now connected on My Cricket Account.

Your account is available 7/7 and 24/24, if you are a new customer, your cricket account will be activated from your purchasing. You will receive your password by text on your device.

If you are an existing customer without account, you can click here on the cricket website:

Existing customers without a login

You can sign up by entering your phone number into the following form:

Sign up now for my account

If you have another question, leave a comment, we will answer quickly.