Many of you are ask how to enable administrator account windows 7 that has been visible in all previous versions. So, here among many others, an easy and effective method will be showed to you.
How to enable windows 7 administrator
Know first that it is recommended to activate to account unless absolutely necessitated that is to say for troubleshooting.
As example, when you have a problem with your usual starter session and access in normal mode you refused, you can choose to access to your account windows 7 by using Safe Mode and restore it as a security tab you to restore your normal user.
[notice]Caution: Registry before[/notice]
However, there is also a more appropriate and that works very well in normal mode. Here are the steps to follow from the command line:
- Go to the menu and started the command
- Start a safe mode command prompt, then right click “run as administrator”
- Enter the following command: net user administrator / active: yes (you should get a result which you certify that the command completed successfully).
- Disconnect and you can finally use the Administrator account as a choice among your users.
It is essential to note that the Administrator account is without login, then it is your responsibility to safety if you plan to leave enabled.
How to disable windows 7 administrator account?
To disable your account administrator simple and effective way, there are two methods:
The first method is to use sysprep. By using this process will delete all information specific to the account administrator.
After it, you just have to restart your computer for the administrator account is automatically disabled. Note that this method is a little more complex.
For the second method, it refers to the process of activating the account, but this time you will do with that otherwise are:
- Make sure first that you are connected with your normal user account so that it does not mark: Access denied.
- Then, open a command prompt on the administrator as you did during the activation.
- Enter the following command: net user administrator / active: no
- Disconnect yourself and your administrator account will be disable and will no longer appear on your login screen.
In sum, it is recommended that users of the system to disable windows 7 administrator accounts after their use, in order to preserve the security of computers.
However, for those who wish to keep active, it is important for us to insist on registration of a complex password on this account.
Because if you do not do it, he would amount to leaving an entry programs that will be harmful to your software and operating system.
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