To improve your business, Paypal merchant account allowed the optimization of your payments means. 3 different options according to your needs, recurrent review: Login now.

How to login Paypal Merchant account?

Sign up for Paypal Personal and Business

If you have no paypal account, you have to sign up before login in. To sign up on paypal you can choose 2 options. The first is for personal use. As merchant, you must select the 2nd option which is Paypal for business and nonprofits.

3 Paypal payments option to be the best

3 Paypal payments option to be the best

To begin, you must choose the best option for your website. Three different packages are available. From the free version to the 30$ version, you have to choose the Paypal merchant account which is better for your needs. If you make a lot of transactions by phone, mail or fax, we advise you to select the pro version.

How to create a Paypal account online ?

Sign up for Paypal payments standard

It is so easy to register on Paypal. In 5 minutes only you can enter all information about your company. After your email validation, let’s started.

Sign up for business account

Firstly you have to select your business type among 6 kinds of activities. Then, you can enter your email address and create a password. Do not forget to note your paypal password to be sure to remember it. You also have to choose 2 security questions and answers in order to be sure of your identity if you lost your password.

When you finish it, enter the captcha, you access to the information page.

Sign up for business account step 2

Then, you just have to fill in your companies’ information and your personal information. It’s advised to prepare documents to gain time. If you have all the information, you can register yourself on paypal in 2 minutes only.


Paypal professional fees

Paypal professional fees

The paypal payment system is costly for your business. But today your customers need this service to trust in your company. This cost is less expensive than the cost of losing customers.